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On Parenting

In the wake of learning how to live sans my mother - I have turned my lens to parenting - and the lack thereof I am surrounded by.

While my father and I strengthen our bond daily and learn to live without her, we are forced to face old wounds plaguing our family. The skeletons and wounds manifest regularly, now that the matriarch who kept the drama at bay, is no longer here to protect us and run defense. But the dynamic bond we have is unwavering and I am eternally grateful to have been blessed with such an amazing father.

Recently, two episodes of Being Mary Jane came so close to home I cried like a baby as I watched. Simply put - I am thrilled to be able to watch television and see stories that reflect the beauty and ugliness of my life, it is about time! I, we, black women, have spent so many years of our lives being absent from the entertainment landscape and when we were present, it was an unbecoming image.

I grew up with the manifesto, Children Learn What They Live, in my face, reading it daily as I got dressed every morning. My mom was a fierce follower of it and it was at the root of my rearing.

I beg of you, to read it - ponder it and do so daily if you are a parent. Save it on your phone so you will be reminded how your actions impact YOUR child and OUR future.

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