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Are you a teacher who "gets it"?

Earlier in my career as an administrator, I was challenged by teachers who struggled with the concept of relationship building. “We don’t want to be their friends.” “This is too hard!” Were their literal battle cries. It truly takes emotional intelligence to understand the difference. Serious soul searching as to why one would wish to teach, yet not develop productive, respectful and solid relationships, is beyond me.

If you are that educator who envies the gregarious, open minded and hearted teacher who connects with kids and “gets it”, please go take a class, see a therapist or coach, and learn how to connect with others, especially children. Sure, kids have changed, these Gen Whatever’s are a handful, but their desire to be taught by one who actually cares is age old and the tie that binds every generation.

Three key, practical, hands on approaches to show you care and “get it”:

Know all student names by the end of the first week of school

If scheduling is a nightmare and the roster changes, then at least by the end of the 2nd week.

Know at least one identifying item about each student

Some can be clustered because of a team membership, they wear the same gear and make it easier for you. The singletons and outliers are the ones you need to focus on. Mention their interest when you get a chance to chat and take the time to chat, on duties, and when navigating through the halls. Pay attention and smile when you speak with them.

Don’t be afraid to learn from your students

Much of my learning, especially in technology, was inspired by my students. I have had some brilliant ones who have gone on to teach me amazing lessons. When I tell them that I am honored to have taught them, I truly mean it.

Teaching is challenging for sure, but learning about and caring for kids makes it easier.

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